Paeonia 'Ying Jin Hong'

type: [tree peony] – [suffruticosa group] – [China central plains cultivar group]


Zhaolou Peony Garden, Heze in 1963.

Ying Jin Hong. Rose form, sometimes chrysanthemum form occurs. Flowers 16cm x 6cm, deep purplish red (61-B). Petals thin, soft, with numerous teeth on the margins, suffused with dark purple at the base; stamens partially petaloid, pistils small. Stalks long, flowers lateral. Flowering midseason. Plant tall, erect. Branches fairly slender. Leaves long, medium-sized, thin, stiff; leaflets ovate, acuminate at the apex, slightly pendulous, suffused with pale purple on the margins. Growth vigorous, flowers many, very adaptable. Bred by Zhaolou Peony Garden, Heze in 1963.

english translation:

Reflecting Golden Red

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database


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