type: [tree peony] – [suffruticosa group] – [Japanese botan]


Japan, before 1927

PEONIES, The Manual of the American Peony Society, ed. by James Boyd, Copyright 1928 by American Peony Society: Tree Peony Check-list.

Yokohama Nurseries, Yokohama, Japan. 1893 catalogue as Yokohama Gardens Association, beginning 1894 as Yokohama Nurseries.

Shichi-Fukujin. Yokohama Nurseries, Yokohama, Japan. 1927. (Presumed to be in commerce, 1927.)

Schichi-fukujin (Seven Gods of Happiness). (originated in Japan, 1896.) offered by Yokohama Nurseries, Yokohama, Japan. 1927; Tokio Nursery Co., Japan. 1896. (Presumed to be in commerce, 1927.)

The Chugai Nursery, Yamamoto, Japan, Catalog 1940-1941: Tree peony, miscellaneous varieties:

(Japanese tree peony - Reddish-Purple Flowering group) Large size. Stigmas and sheath pale reddish-purple. Midseason. Leaflets pendulous. Small plant.

Rivière (1995):

'Shichifukujin' Sieben Götter bringen Glück" Halbgefüllte Sorte, seidigrosa mit gelbem Herz, Pflanze hoch, üppig und reich blühend.

Rivière (2000):

SHICHIFUKUJIN "7 dieux qui portent bonheur". (Semi-double], Fleur splendide rosé satiné à cœur détaché jaune ; remarquable par sa tenue bien que la fleur soit énorme.

peonies & seeds


Entsminger 2007

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database


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