Paeonia 'Scarlet Heaven'

type: [intersectional hybrid]


Roger F. Anderson, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, USA

SCARLET HEAVEN (Anderson) Roger F. Anderson, Fort Atkinson, WI, Jan.19,1999. Red single - herbaceous x tree hybrid. Pollen parent. Thunderbolt. Seed parent. Martha W. seedling. First bloomed 1989. Divided 1992 - 26-28" height. Single scarlet red 4-8 bloom, setting on top and around a spherical-shaped plant. Handsome foliage. A popular plant.

Red, single, midseason, 28" tall, intersectional. A bright red flower with red-tipped carpals that has the lovely dark green leaves of the tree peony parent.

One of the rare red colored intersectional hybrids that deserve to be on the market. Its foliage didn’t get these ugly brown spots that appears on some others red intersectionals. Large simple flower of a shining red with a center of golden stamens. Very nice plant with a remarkable port. The rigid stems carry these magnificent flowers well above foliage.If red is your color, that’s a plant for you!. Blooms at mid-season. Heigth 90 cm. Fragrant.

Grande fleur simple d’un rouge vif au centre d’étamines dorées. Forme un plant sphérique au port remarquable dont les tiges fermes portent bien au-dessus du feuillage ces fleurs magnifiques. Le contraste entre le rouge éclatant de la fleur et le vert brillant du feuillage attire le regard. Un des rares hybrides Itohs à fleurs rouges dont le feuillage ne s’ornent pas de disgracieuses taches brunes. Vaut le coup surtout pour les amateurs de fleurs rouges. Fleurit en mi-saison. Plant de 90 cm environ.

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database


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