Paeonia 'Lu Xiang Qiu'

type: [tree peony] – [suffruticosa group] – [China central plains cultivar group]

chinese name:


Fragrant Green Ball, Fragrant Green Cloud

peonyworld/ (suffr.)

Lu Xiang Qiu // Fragrant Green Ball Light green at first, later pink, suffused with pink at the base. Globular form. Flowers size " 18cm x 10cm "; lateral; delicate fragrance. Plant tall, spreading. Branches stout, cured. Growth extremely vigorous; flowers many, large, neatform. Blossoming late. (1975)

NTSC (suffr.)

Lu Xiang Qiu (Fragrant Green Ball)

xinxin: (suffr.):

Lu Xiang Qiu Globular or crown form, light green at the beginning but pink in full blooming time, flowers 18cmx10cm, dense fragrance, flowers facing to the side, stout branches, flowers late and many, large size plants can reach 7ft. in mature, growth vigorousl, disease resistant and strong adaptability. The beginning collector may choose this varieties as the trial planting


Light green when first opened, turning to pale pink when opened fully, hydrangea or crown shaped, flower size 7"; plant height to 7 feet; disease resistant; alkali tolerant; a vigorous grower, a free and late bloomer.


EM 5'x4' Fr Dbl, Also sold as Fragrant Green Cloud, quite rare starting out as a small soft green full double that is revered in Asia. The blossom matures white with green-pink splotches. A vigorous grower, much more so the Famed Pea Green (Dou lu)

Lu Xiu Qiu. Green, Hydrangea-flowered; bluish green in bud, opening to watery red, thick and somewhat soft stems, long thick stalks, large fleshy leaves, spreading and much branched, late blooming

Heze Guohua Peony Research Institute

Lu Xiang Qiu ( Fragrant Green Ball) Late season, Globular form, Pink faintly bluish, Globular form. Flowers 16cm x 8cm, pink faintly bluish. Stalks short, flowers upright. Flowering late.
Plant medium height, partially spreading. Branches fairly stout. Growth vigorous, flowers many, tolerant of leaf spot and salinity-alkalinity. Bred by Zhaolou Peony Garden, Heze in 1963.

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database


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